Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Rest; for a longer journey

Working takes up so much of my time now, and can't really have a normal day with friends as I'm working, i am resting... while i free, they are asleep. Finally i will be taking a break from everything! Going to Genting for 3 days and rushing back on New Year Eve! Then will be able to meet my friends finally! Well... after that will be working again! Nvm, let me enjoy and breakfree for this moment. I want to breakfree~

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Work work work....

Haven't been updating. For the last week, I have just started work. It's my first time as a waiter so i have to pick up everything. In the first 2 days, the crowds there are never ending so I was busy like hell. So i kept complaining here and there, thinking to quit or not as I think $5 was rather underpaid for the crowd there. But these few days i had already got used to it, so these all evil thoughts had disperse from my mind. Anyway, got to settle down soon and get another work(maybe?) so i can earn more money. Life without money is so bored!!! I can't go anywhere now and have to reject my friends who asked me out. sad

Monday, December 14, 2009


This was taken after my piercing that day. Anyway, I'm facing a problem on blogger which is I can't copy and paste. My wholelonglist of thank speech for the chalet is gone! Not going to retype it as it's a hassle! Angry... maybe when I feel like

Thursday, December 10, 2009

When the good guy goes bad...

Ord lo! Yes... finally manage to go back to my glory days. I'm very happy that I managed to sleep throughout the whole night without any worries. I used to wake up in the middle of the night for couple of times, check the time, maybe dread of oversleeping and late for camp. Not now anymore. I've also dyed my hair red... not very obvious though... gotta do something about it. And I had also pierced my ear. This my 2nd piercing with the first failed terribly. My stud still lying in my cupboard collecting dust. So I took out the courage(oh yea?) and make the 2nd piercing. Abit more pain than the first one though... but now the pain had subsided.

I had got myself a job as a waiter(server) at Shokudo, a Japanese Cafe. Will be starting work this coming Monday at cineleisure. But kinda sucks though as the pay is rather low($5/hr) and I'm restricted to black pants and shoe(which I don't have.) I had to pay for my own uniform and apron too...cheapo. They offered me a full time, but I'm only able to commit on Jan. Maybe in the meantime i will find a better job(more relax n higher pay*dreams*).

Monday, December 7, 2009

New Balance Real Run 2009

This year is my first time running this real run and will be my last i guess. Running on the sand is surely not an easy job. Finally the picture are out and I found myself inside!!! 5 pics somemore haha. Anyway, these pics are only for sale so the picture is captioned. Ok... I tried my best to posed(act running) infront of the cam already...but still kena caught!

Friday, December 4, 2009


The long aniticipated time had finally arrived. What is seems to be a joyous day and suppose-to-be-excited time. When the time is nearing, everybody will look forward to but when the day arrived, all the excitment seems to dissolved in the air. I thought it was only me who experienced it but I guess this is part and parcel for everyone. When we still in service, we yearn to get out of the hell, but now I'm out, I'm rather loss maybe because I'm can't bear to leave this place where I had work for 1 years 8 months and staying in between intervals. Gone are the times where we slack off even though we are busy, talking cock in the office, bad mouthing/bitching about others, drive around and slack some where, movies marathon during weekend. Guess such life will never be here again.

Apart from these, think I need to use some time to let myself adapt to my civilisation again. Even though I thought it doesn't affect me at all but somehow or what It definitely caused a difference in your life be it your thinking, your routine or your behaviour. Ok... no more EMO-ing

Monday, November 30, 2009

Army Daze

Was chatting with my friend on the train today and let me recall the army days. Well... when gonna ORD, all of us will become so emo and kept talking about our 'Grandmother' stories. From the day as a recruit and to the day when we first posted to our unit, there were so many First time!

Below are a few of my First times:
  • First time botak as far as I remember
  • Holding and shooting the rifle
  • Grenade!!!(First n Last time)
  • Left right left right left
  • Working in....
  • License(forklift, Class 3 n 4 and...)
  • Singing infront of a crowd
  • Half Marathon

There are still a long list to go!

Well, knowing a lot of good friends during my service. From rival Coy and keep shooting against each other, to close friends till now. Still remember the times where we just came to our camp? That's the moment which are indeed memorable. From meeting at the bus stop to walking up the long walk way to our camp, we would talk cock along the 15mins walk. Although along the way we faced some unhappiness with each other, but that's definitely add some flavours in the process. As time passed, we will find more about each other more through bits and bits of things right? Hmm.. that's all the EMO stuff for today.. will add on if the feel comes. =)

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Made In China? Not that typical stereotype. It's Made In Candy! Yesterday went to Vienna Internation Buffet and passed by this shop. They make fresh candies on the spot. It's very interesting and fun. Do drop by their one and only branch at United Square and see the performance.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

10 10 10 10 the Holy Number

10 more days to go!!! And i will offcially reinstate to the rank of MISTER!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hello my fellow readers!

Good day all! Thanks for your continous support even though my blog has been covered with dust and cob webs. Well fret not all, My blog will back to its glorious mement in no time! Just some update of myself. I'm going ORD in less than 1 month! With my last duty next week, i can reinstate my rank as a CIVILIAN! Oh man really looking forward to get my pinky! Now gotta prepare my ORD chalet, get a job and get into a poly. That's all... look forward to my updates soon!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Well... blogger is haywired again as usual, think since yesterday night as my sis wanna post some pics. Well... kinda lazy to update my blog again, lose the interest as my previous blog, but i'm glad this blog is certainly more alive than my previous. Anyway, yesterday was Army Half Marathon. Unlike last year, I've participated in the 21km, which is definitely a challange for me as the longest distance I ever ran was 6km? haha. A huge gap of 15km ya. And I did it! Something to be proud of ya. Managed to clock under 3hrs, din really noe the exact timing so i presume i still stand a chance for my 1 day off! Din regret to join it although i was " cheated " to join in. Think i will join again next year! So now i'm tinking to challange myself for the Standard Chartered Full Marathon. Quite a few numbers of my frens going...should i join? Anyway just a few pics taken in the morning when everyone still sleeping n dreaming on their bed...(OPPS, UPLOAD NOT AVAILABLE.)

Last but not least, Special thanks to this taxi driver who had given me lots of discount. haha. Total fare is 10.2 + 5.1(Midnite). And not only he din charge me for my midnite fare and charge me $10 instead. Thanks for saving my wallet =)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sayonnara to NDP'09

NDP'09 has officially come to an end. Yesterday the firing was very good result. Worth commendation on the hardwork that all the guys put in. Overall, the process was enjoyable and fruitful. However, something happened recently that make me damn du lan . It was previously promised a ticket or 2 for the preview/ actual. I thought the whole committee was not given any..until I have saw my relative's facebook picture. Immediately I comfirm my doubt with someone and things turned out to be they are hiding the truth from us! Super unhappy can and the FLYER tickets were pocketed by XXX(not to mention them here). We did so much for the NDP, from the preparation phase to even now... all the documentation and the stores and ration. It was not even regconised whereby suckers get a share of reward. WHAT WORLD IS IT? Quite regret that I volunteered again this year, although my main idea is to twang. Halfway through the journey, I realised the camp is a better place afterall, moreover I have changed my working environment and maybe my attitude toward work?
Oh Yea... gotta bear for 4months, 3 months to be exact. I WAN TO OOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pay day = happy day! = sad day?

Well, payday is here already i supposed and i gotta a lot of things on my To Buy and To do List. And With these limited money i think i gotta splurt it soon.

1.Thermo blast
2.A duffle bag(maybe from Nike)
3.Thinking to get a gym membership

I think i had to forgo No.3 and pay for per entry ya. Why gym? Well, nearing ORD liao, i do not want to be a LCP for life! Target to pass my IPPT in 2 months! If failed at least sure must pass before ORD! I have make a promise to my sir liao. Kinda lost as i do not where to start. I'm a totally a new bird there. Gotta start next week! Oh yea, and glad to announce that i passed my 2.4km! Great achievement yea!

With 2 more stations to go, i mean 4 more pull ups and SBJ. I believe I'm able to pass it. And yea, gotta have my determination like few months back! I'm taking the current situation for granted!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

"Dui"ty = Mati

Well,had not been updating my blog for the last week as i had duty in camp.Well... this duty team was not my original team as i had previously swopped with chee hao. Well... can say it's kinda boring duty as we practically have nothing to do.Gotta have 1 more duty on the 25th. Kinda dissapointed cos.... Hope this will be my last duty! Reality check: 4 months more to ORD!!! Can't wait for this day yeah! Hope they preserved my pinky well. haha

Monday, July 27, 2009

Blogger Got H1N1 too...

it's not my problem i guess, now using my sis's com and wanted to trial whether is my lappy's problem or not... and it is proven; my super duper chui lappy is working fine. Anyway still manage to type this post, just can't edit the fonts and the post options. Anyway, I was rotting at home these days again. Din want to go out as it's costly and hazardous for me as i will spend till my last cent. Another reason is yesterday got a day of headache... slept through the day and still got the pain there afetr every nap. Only manage to recover when i go downstair to buy the miracle pill "Panadol".

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Blog just contacted H1N1 too?

Just joking... is just that I just can't seems to access to this page to type my post. Got so much to blog actually but let's bygone be bygone, don't want to mention some stupid stuffs in camp. Anyway just back from NDP, nothing happening though, just jokes and craps here n there as well as some foodies from Old Airport Rd Hawker Center. Had Lao Fu Zi Fried Kway Tiao for lunch today. The aunties are so friendly can! Keep wanted to blanjar me and chikin drinks. Don't know why. Cause we wanted to buy and make our trip back to PCG fast, so we rejected it. So in the end she gave us $2 and ask we all to buy drinks. Lmao. Thanks for that anyway.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Blog Pics~

Did some editing to my photo and decided to use it for blog advertisement. Credits of this wonder photograph goes to none other than our dedicated cameraman, Vimal!

Phew...My Birthday almost gone

Like what's in the heading... I almost can say BYE to celebrate my Birthday on the actual day itself again. Last year, I was sent to class 4 driving course by my dear Sir, with the first day of course falling on my bday itself. That's the "best present" ever yea... And today, there's a new duty team out, and I'm in team c, with some guys... In the afternoon, to my horror, I'd saw the duty falls on 150909-220909, which is on my Birthday again! Luckily i manage to spot it, i don't want to miss my birthday again. Anyway, might be holding a buffet at home for my Bday, Mama suggest one... maybe a BBQ might be better? Gotta plan it =)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Screwed Haircut + Spring Cleanning

Had a screwed haircut again the the lao di fang where i frequent >.< color="#33ff33">enough... Anyway, managed to clean up my room today, it's looks better now. Manage to clear all rubbish that my parents dump into my room, treating it as a storeroom. Gotta continue next week, still got small amount of rubbish there... gotta be back to original form when my sis shift back to her own house...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Virgin Performance

Well... some how manage to get through the audition yesterday and today is the actual performance... the nervousness was lost because the irritation by the sound system is way too much! I'm upset....not because of not winning it but it's due to unable to perform well for my whole song. Almost half of the song was unheard due to the cock up... sigh... Anyway, it's nevertheless a very good experience for me as it's my first time doing such performance. And the temptation from the good there... like nonya laksa, prawn mee?(have?), mee siam, the roasted duck, the roasted pork belly, kebak, chicken falbta(dono how to spell) and most of all, the Sakae Sushi! Yum... Was very full and scared i might burp during the singing... luckily my fear is abundant.Now very tired while typing this post... morning ran 14km and did not manage to catch a nap at all... Cya

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Audition ain't good thing....

Tomorrow will be the audition already! Sounds so scary... don't really have much confidence as I heard there will be a total teams of 18 participating! 10am tomorrow!!! May God bless me!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dun Yong to Justin

Lmao..all these off pics. Hiding inside my wallet for many years already. Think should share with everyone here as many who have seen it say such a great impact on myself.

About the pics...

Pic 1: Taken when I was in Sec 1. The super chubby and toot me. I was laughing at it whenever I see it. I gave the hair a name call "Macdonald's Hairstyle"

Pic 2: I think this Pic is After i lost weight me. Been exercising with sis during holiday period and shed a few kgs. And can see I've grown up a bit as compared to first pic. The more guai look of me.

Pic 3: The slimmest time of me. I think is during sec 4 or post 'O' lvl time. Most handsome one also. haha.

Pic 4: Omg! Work are making me fat! Popcorns, nachos, cheesy hotdogs and drinks everyday.

Pic 5 : The fattest time of me. See I've Ballooned to 93.5kg! incredible eh. And got this highlight for the first time. Super beng and ugly. So i coloured it black very soon. Waste money.

And Lastly! This is the most recent me! Standing at 77kg! A weight lost of 16kg! proud eh?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pay Day Yippee!

Yesterday the pay was out after a long long anticipation. It's been a hard time to survive without money. Anyway, since pay was out and my ipod shuffle is officially DEAD after 3yrs?(charing problem). So i got myself with this mp3 player make by singapore company. It's none other than The Kube. This unique desgin of the ipod stands out from the rest( in a cube form), light , small and easy to carry around and most of all, it's CHEAP!!! It cost marely $34.90 for a 2gb size. U can't find anything so cheap elsewhere i guess. The Kube is so in popular demand that most 7-11 stores has sold out, leaving me disappointed. So i tried my luck just now at the 7-11 store behind my house, thinking it's an ULU place so it will not sell out so fast. And it never failed me, so i managed to get myself a last white one(wanted to buy black originally). Nevermind, better than nothing, white is always better than the pink one. haha.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bye to my stamina

After 1 whole week of eating KFC n Pizza and forgoing my time for jogging.. I've losing my stamina. Just 5km today and I'm too shag to run already and worst almost lose to CPT Lim haha. Is it my complacent or NDP is an excuse? Need to go for run tml onwards already! Friday is 14km le!!!!(i suppose)
Lastly, Yes! I've make up my decision already! You and Me will be my best choice for CSS- You got Talent. Let's pray that we can make it. Gotta spare time for pratice oledi!!!!
1 last last thing...my cam's microphone is DEAD!!!! RIP MAN!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

CCS You Got Talent

CSS? Of course not campus superstar haha. It's a talent time competition by combat service support. Today receive an email that it's open to us for audition... of course i wished to join... but then thinking is plain thinking. Vincent then approached me to join it together with him, i'll be the vocalist and he's the guitarist. A bit in dilemma as English songs are not my forte... So now scratching my head for the limited songs that he knows how to play..so in the end i think it's either I'm Yours or You and Me... must remember the lyrics and tune now...Should I join?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Combine Rehearsal 3(Family Day)

Yes...Once again I'm sitting infront of the stage as a spectator after many Many YEARS! I can say this year's performance is definitely a THUMBS UP! as compared to the previous years. The credits goes to the performance and most of all, our fireworks where we have been sweating under the hot sun to prepare it. Although yesterday performance wasn't a full scale one, but the hosts definitely added fun n laughters which cover off every short falls. Not going to be a spoiler for those who have not seen the performance but there are a number of things to look out for!

1. Our magnificient lion dance can be very KAWAII! Dun get cheat by his appearance.
2. The stage itself has it own speciality! look out for the screens!(with on n on visual effects by the fireworks)
3. Element of surprise! the grids at the stage. Watch out for what's inside throught the evening n night!)
4. Sea! Yes catch the live police and theif as well as the presidential salute which are brought to us for the first time!
5. More interactions with audience! The snipers are going through the crowds.
6. MOST IMPORTANTLY, the new design of fireworks! If you have not seen it, you can see it every Sat from now! Firing will starts approx 830pm!

Despite the cost savings this year,the 90% cancellation of fly past and the reduction in the singing by the choir, the quality of the show is still improving. Three cheers to the 24 committee of the whole show! especially we the fireworks committee. HAHA

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Saikang!!! I'm burnt! After prolonged hours under the hot scorching sun in the middle of the sea, er hem, i mean reserviour, where all the prominent concrete jungle surround us. These have been continuing for 2 days and tomorrow will be another one. Anyway morning V-com-ed Azfar to PCG for the NDP, he dilly dallied to the camp... den set off... i was still quite worry that we will be late as we sure will catch in the jam. Reached kallang stadium at around 0745 and Azfar receive a call from his camp... quite a few off things happen. LMAO!(TOP SECRET) Anyway han't been exercising these days, feel so tired nowadays...And yay, got back the camera handphone, can take pics again.^^

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cos' I have a bad day

Today simply starts badly and end badly... Thanks to XXX(morning) and YYY(evening). Missed the bus and got to walk down the long long road... luckily halfway got a ride. Anyway, AMK so happening! Got pasar malam sio. So long nv visit a pasar malam already. And someone approached me from Singapore Hearts foundation? turned him down as i barely surviving my own already. Sigh, tomorrow gotta stay in. Nvm for the sake of tuaning=)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

CY's 23 bday

Friday was a shag shag day. Morning was AHM training... looks like a endless 12km run. Complete it though without much difficulties. Rushed back to camp for the NE tour. NE tour was stupid and it's a waste of time. By then I was really really tired, closing my eyes anytime. So thinking to give a miss to ChingYong's Chalet which is at Chevrons. Damn far you know... but thinking that it's such a unpolite manner not to turn up whereby you promised him and others that you will sure be there. Play mahjong there soon after we reach...bbq and talk cock. Quite a enjoyable session afterall. Thanks Keith who was driving that day and sent me home.

Sentosa trip

Today went to Sentosa with my campmates,it's almost 1 year since they first asked me to join them. Lol... turned them down times and times(dono for what reason) and finally agreed to join them. Played volleyball, Frisbee and suntanning there. Although i haven't had my enough share to suntan there, but i think this Sentosa trip is fun with everyone's presence and participation. Think i will never say NO again to them. But now as i sit on my bed with my lappy typing this post, the burning sensations are killin me. Think Air con won't save me at all today...
After Sentosa, we went for our lunch at the Hawker Center at HBF, then we proceed to a short lan session at E-games @ parklane there for L4d and short CS session...our team really sucks at the game...forget it. Before going home, had a haircut at SnipAvenue again. Dono why after enlistment, I always had the feel that my hair is very long after 3-4weeks of my last session...Maybe the fear of punishment..(i wanna keep a clean record of not signing any extras) haha.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

NDP Pics
Some pics I have taken from Vimal's facebook.More pics can be found there.
Can't remember why i sayanged my tummy. Lol

Love this background. Din even noe I took this pic.

Group photo after CR1! The men behind the scene!
Vimal looked so surprise but actually I elbowed his bunny tooth haha.

Love this pic! So beautifully taken. These 2 are paper boat.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Shoppin is fun but not for present

Hit Junction 8 with Vincent to library and present for ChingYong bday tml. Library trip was cancelled as it was quite late and tired after killin our brain cells for the prezzie. In the end got him Nike bag. I think it's a bit for cheapo us to share a bag which cost ard $70 between <10 color="#cc66cc"> sincerity that counts. Headed back home straight after a cup for bubbletea. Sacrificed my jogging time again...tml not going AHM training as there will be NE tour. Yay, time to tuan again! Hope i can be able to join the live run tml...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday also blue~

No mood to go back camp at all~ I have been late for the bus for 3rd time this month, guess is due to the ORD symdrome. After days of NDP and i left my heart there, totally neglecting my work at camp. The thought of going camp irks me... What should i do? Reality check; approx 5months n 2weeks to ORD!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Yesterday was father's day and i forget to blog about it! Anyway, had a meal at the hongkong street behind our house. In the lousy restuarant dono what jing fishhead steamboat? went there as we din tried it before. However, it really dispointed us with their service, food and management. I wonder how they managed to get into a food show on tv. Their serving was small which is not enough for our HUGE family and the ingredient for the Gong Bao Ji Ding is really a turn off... instead of chicken cube, i think they used mince meat.Most importantly, this shop is a HEI DIAN as they ripped us off by offering to seperate the steamboat into 2 and charged us for the price of 2 instead of 1 LOL joke. Anyway still had a enjoyable celebration with the whole family... everyone has their partner already but not me... hope i can find my Mrs Yap soon haha. After the lunch, we had a durian feast... the aroma filled the whole house, at least for the whole day of yesterday.

Today is my off day due to NDP involvement. Rotting at home to rush Dong Fang Zhi Zhu and finished the whole serial. Nice show i can say... sparks my enthuaism(how to spell?) for singing and become a star. haha. I was too broke to go out anyway..

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Combine Rehearsal 1

Yesterday was the CR1 and everywhere are flooded with men in red. Since it's the first CR, there is bound to be some screw up in everything. Hence, we will sure learn from the mistakes we've made. Been to the LOC where I had be at last year, pieces of images float in my mind. Last year was sure a enjoyable one. To our dismay, the place where our control center are has a poor view of the fireworks, due to the 'EXTRA' building blocking us. Everything went well overall. It ended at 9+ and decided to cab home with shannon, nelson and alvin.But the taxi just won't stop for us.

Virgin trip to GNC

Went to GNC@AMK today, in the mind of getting Hydroxycut. Not really know the exact location as i previously did a research for the place and stating it's located at block 730 at central? Hunt down that place but still cannot find the shop, only managed to find Warrant Thong and his wife. Think he saw me and stopped... almost missed him ask i was focusing to find the shop. Called QQ if she still at yang's house and can find the shop for me... and she told me to try AMK Hub basement which I did. Yay, finally get to the shop. However, was told that the item had been recalled back by dono where which i've previously read about it on the net. Just wanna try my luck there. In the end bought myself 100% whey protein. Gonna try it's useful for growing muscles. HAHA. Think I'm seriously broke, dunno my balance is enough for me to pay off my insurance and survive this month...sigh...Why?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Early B'day celebration for Ah lee

Meet up the guys at town yesterday straight after NDP. A bit rush for time as released late again. Meet up at the glass house for the celebration. First time there... nice ambience with live band, with the design and the warm cheers for the birthday boy, this place is definitely a best place for celebration. Anyway, had seafood platter for 2(sharing with vincent)... the food is average, but the creamy sauce of the mussel is 'Thumbs up". Wasn't really full. As this was a surpise party for him, i almost spill out the beans, not aware that he do not know. In the middle of the dinner, i was like losing my voice without any reason, it's so sudden. But got better after a drink a rest for around 20mins. The dinner's finale is of course the cake, although only 1 slice. The birthday boy was made to stand on the chalet with a stick of firecracker, and they cheered for him. Nice experience though but a bit embarassing. And ended with a challenge to diminish the candle by standing on the chair without any bending. Of course,jokes and cocks filled up the atmosphere. After dinner was round of camwhoring along dhoby ghuat and orchard. By the time i reached home i was wearing out... Maybe or Mar-ti to upload the pics=)

Just to say another usual NDP...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Of course not... but just to share something hilarious happened today. Called up XXX,a indian guy, about the lunch collection thingy... in the end i was told to collect it at some place which he asked me to face my left and asked me " you saw someone waving at you?". Then i replied "no."
I strained my eyes hard again and really saw him waving at me. The place is a dark place without any light. LOL.

Hindnote: If you are dark, please dun stay in some unsightly area.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


2 days i had beared through! Passed without any troubles. And it's NDP again tml~
Anyway nothing much today as I was rottin in camp. Yay, KT going oversea posting this yr. Lastly, Darryn, Nic and me were entertained by a lady who was tryin her luck to dig for some gold in her nose. And we were 'highing' among ourselves like how she would "share her gold" with us."Rub n flip" lol

Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday Blue

Why Mondays are always blue? No mood to work, don't feel like going to work and feel like takin MC? These are sydromes of Monday blue. 1 week of absence and back to own camp, coming back to reality and heaps of work. Luckily today was quite a smooth day, not considering those messes that the rest of the guys have created.

Blue Pt 2

First ,I don't know how I injured my finger when playing table soccer. Second, just realised my forgetfulness caused some trouble for another.

Princess Shihan

Yes! My niece Shihan is 1 month old! Ain't she cute?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Virgin trip to Bukit Timah Plaza

Although have been to SAFAC for countless of time and the 3 weeks at SOA, it's my first time to bukit timah plaza. Think that area are really for the rich as condos every where. Anyway, went there to buy myself a Pull up bar and a pair of gloves for weight training(to prevent blister.) think wasted $18 for the glove as i realise that the bar comes with a sponge grip. Had my lunch cum dinner there, at this shop selling Taiwan Delights. Had a braised beef noodles which was quite nice, I like the beef stock personally and the Guo Tie(fried dumplings) as well as dou jiang which is not nice at all. Wanted to buy some singlet at bugis actually but changed my mind as it was far and i was lazy. After that went to AMK for a wallk before back home. So many clothes on discount! Make me xin yang yang, but din buy it in the end.

Friday, June 12, 2009

NDP Day 3

Went to AHM training in the morning part. 10km run. Shag... sweat is drippin anywhere. Went down to PCG straight after that. Today finally there's sign of work there... a lot of sai kang again. But time passed faster. Anyway got some photos which we took yesterday, the rest can be viewed via Facebook. Anyway u can see how bored are we.

Vimal, Alvin, Me n Delvin
Testing Alvin's Huge Sunglass

No printer? Then draw it yourself!
Too sian till we do this childish thing: Alvin pig

Super Gay pic that I've mentioned. Cannot take it!

Our act-cool stamford raffles's pose.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

NDP Day 2

Fattening...second day of eating kfc for lunch and pizza hut for 2. It may seems as a luxury but it's sooooo sinful. Heng tml got AHM training to burn the fats. Can't afford to let myself to gain back the weight again. Anyway today was a fun day. Not much stuffs to do...so had a creative "Anti-Smoking Campagin", with a poster design competition. Due to the fact that there do not have a printer there. Another day of jokes and camwhore. Some OFF and GAY pics are taken. HAHA. Let's wait for Vimal to upload it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

NDP Day 1

I was late to base this morning due to poor estimation of time as I misjudged the time for travelling due to jam. Anyway nothing happen as the vehicle was late. Went to Kallang Police Coast Guard after that, just opposite the place where I did my dragonboating during my secondary school. However, I was disgust and irritate by the foul smell of the rottin fishes in the drain.
Sai gang session the whole day...Shag not b'cos of the unloading of stores but is more on the BURNING sun and the place without elelctricity thus no fan! Heng all the talk cock and 'Shooting' session covered our fatigue. Anyway, the whole session was being filmed down and will post to NDPeeps website i presume. Hope can see the video soon=) Anyway hope tomorrow will be a better session as we will be bringing camera and camera phone there=)
Last but not least, let's pray i can psycho them to make to go down NDP everyday. HAHA

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Transformation

Today went down to Marina Floating Platform for a meeting. Yes! The place where National Day Parade is held. It's been almost 1 year since I went for my first ndp last year, the transformations of the area are great. Opposite the left FP, where our Integrated Resort is standing, has grew taller and bigger. The stage itself is going to have a new layout; An eye in the middle. Oh yea, not to miss this out... I will be under the fireworks team again! What's different from last year is that I have "promoted" to the Sea level, whereby we will be in charge of the fireworks you see in the sky. Can't say too much but what I can say is that you will expect something different from the plain fireworks that you've seen in the previous years! Just look out for it!
Lastly, today had a super early fallout and tml can report late! Yippee!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Yes! Happy! A few things to worth happy about.
1.The highly anticipated TUAN time is here!AKA the NDP!
2. The pay is finally here again! It's time to enjoy!(but suffer in the end)
3. For 2 weeks I don't need to go back to the hellhole! Can wash my hand clean off the work!

Work Harder!

I think it's time to get a pull up bar at home! It's time for me to train and pass my IPPT! I wanna get my CPL rank!
~needs more discipline to train myself for the pull up! Wait for my good news everybody!
And yea, Friday will be the 10km AHM trainning. This is quite important as this is nearly half of the total distance. Gotta buck up too!

Current goals

1.Finish AHM with minimal walking
2.Pass IPPT
3.Lose 10kg more!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Never Make Empty Promise To a Child











This super duper nephew of mine!

Yesterday brought him down for a walk as he was crying to go inside the room to find his favourite cousin ,BinBin. We happened to pass by the playground that I used to play when i was young. He cried to go down of the pram and wanted to play. However, he din wear his shoe with him so i don't allow him to play. And i tried to "console"(cheat) him by telling him that we will go home and take the shoe before we come to play(With the intention that he will forget.) However, when we reached home, he pointed to his shoe and i tried to distract him but failed. Hence, this happy little devil got his motive.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Late already!

Today was late for the bus for the first time. Asked Alvin to hog the bus for me but changed my mind and decided to call a cab. It's chor to catch a cab in the morning, but in the end the cab has left due to his impatientness...just barely a 2min. Good for me, Hao feng was late too, so we shared a cab ,costing $3.50 each. Save quite much.


Not a good start for the day, 1 of my vehicle got a serious BUANG and left it with 3 deep scratches and dent. Caused a lot troubles for me, and had to come out with a plan to controls my vehicles...I'm screwed=(


Payday i mean...coming soon in 5 more days! can't wait to get my pay and I wanna go K... so long never go already... Anyone care to join me next week?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Oh no!

Bad news! Can't be able to go NDP everyday anymore! Heard there's a schedule for it and we will take turns to go. Aww... gotta persuade them to take me along everyday. Here's goes my chance to leave the hellhole!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Have been "blessed with enchanting" for the whole morning. 2 consective rantings although i was not really the direct target audience. I wasn't really focusing as the flu caused me to lose the "Dragon-Horse spirit" within me. Fret not, I will endure and go through it. Once I've settle all my stuffs and i will be MIA in camp for good.


There's so many stuffs that I wanna buy and yet I have to endure, control my spendings. I always told myself to not to spend so much for the day but the TEMPTATION IS EVIL! First I wanted to change my wardrobe gradually as most of them are oversize; due to the shedding off nearly 20kg of fats throughout BMT till now. Next, really wish to get a Sunglass from Rayban and lastly gotta make contact lenses as I going to finish my previous one.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sick n Sickening

Argh!!! Damn sick today... Flu has deter me to run and keep up my stamina...eventhough it's only 3km run today. And it's damn sickening to have a ear block + nose block. Hope my ear block will be alright tml.

Some random torts

6 more months to ORD... and some of my frens are enlisting real soon. Work has been the same;Vexation! I admit that I have been tuan-ing recently in the office although there are always heap of mountain of work. Procrastination has always come in my mind, a way to escape the reality. Can't wait for NDP to start where i can break free from the toopid hellhole. What's more the dishonesty and cowardness of someone pile up my work, gotta DIE tml. GG! Not going to disclose more as it will only CURSE the culprit more.

New Haircut
Anyway, got a haircut at the usual "SnipAvenue"? It provides super cheap haircut at a real deal of $4.80 irregardless of length. Think still quite contented with this haircut and my previous(both by same hairstylist).Din really have a good impresssion of it till I changed a hairstylist. To my surprise he remembered me eventhough it's only my 2nd haircut by him.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Aftermath

After prolonged recording, seeking for near perfection, the price for it is throat discomfort. Sore throat, itchyness and dryness.

Unusual routine

In the mere hours of 4am, what's seems like a normal routine turns out to be a HORROR! Woke up for some water then a natural release. In the midst of the process, i was strickened by psssssst... sound of ..."THE AUTO AIR REFRESHER" which had recently placed in the toilet. The worst NIGHTMARE ever!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

D.I.Y Videos

With much help from some programs like Audacity, Window Movie Maker and some like the Mighty Mic from my webcam, I've managed to make some videos lest the special appearance of myself. Of course this videos are myself singing. Today's one are my virgin shows so i think they are way below par. I will post here if I think they are good enough to save me for embarassment.

P.S : Just a way to fulfil my cravings for singing and my "building the sand castle on air".

Friday, May 29, 2009


Today's AHM training was damn screwed! Supposed to run 7km but in the end running 5km with exactly the same route as Wednesday. As i approached the ending point, i was suprised that i was the first to reach there...whereby It's an MI-mission impossible.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Last Week's Duty

Duty in camp for another long week. A Brand new team and a role for me. Despite the SIANsation of the idea of duty, we always entertain ourselves with our COCKing sessions, the pool and table soccer and most of all the most important is our ANTIDOTE : Movie Marathon Screening.

Challenging My Limit

AHM(Army Half Marathon)- This year is my 2nd year participating AHM in my service line. Unlike last year's 6km fun run, i guess I've been GILA enough to participate in the 21km run. This will be a breakthrough for myself despite of my BuiBuibness and the fact that I did not even run 10km before.


Having my 2 days duty off since yesterday, the most BO HUA off i ever taken. Wasted Half of my off yesterday to be in base for the AHM trainning and also today's as I slept till 12 because i returned home at 5am today. So means a total of 1 day has gone.

Yesterday is History...

Vincent n Me met up Ah Lee aka yi Lee na na(dumb name that i gave him) to catch up with him since ORD and never met him for some time. We've chatted and COCKed about our happenings in camp as well as his lastest plans. Had dinner(part 1) at Ashton at the Cathat. It was my first time there and i can say the food there is DROOLINGLY GOODY! Had a steak there, my all time fav. It was juicy and tender. After which we went to cinema for Night at the Museum 2.It was not too bad after, but i think more funny scenes should be included. After the movie, went to Killiney where my father work at. Had our dinner part 2 there and most of all, it's free! Thx to the boss. After our dinner, we went to AMK to meet up with Nic, Mango and weixun to Chomp Chomp for supper. Had a Mango Ice Cream Ice Kachang for $4.50. Not very nice and the ice cream is make from a type of mango with a very strong smell... After supper we left to Backyard Bistro at Cathay area(again) to watch Barcelona vs ManUnited match(although i'm not really a soccer fan)...end at 4plus, and Nic sent us back. Was wore up after that...

Have been back to blog on a new site as I've decided to open the blog to acheive a greater audiences... haha enough of the crapzzz. Have been spending hours just to edit the template, shifting my old contacts, importing my picture and lots of editing... Maybe it's just me, the comp noob. This is a place which includes my 喜怒 and 酸甜苦辣, so stay tune for my updates.