Wednesday, June 10, 2009

NDP Day 1

I was late to base this morning due to poor estimation of time as I misjudged the time for travelling due to jam. Anyway nothing happen as the vehicle was late. Went to Kallang Police Coast Guard after that, just opposite the place where I did my dragonboating during my secondary school. However, I was disgust and irritate by the foul smell of the rottin fishes in the drain.
Sai gang session the whole day...Shag not b'cos of the unloading of stores but is more on the BURNING sun and the place without elelctricity thus no fan! Heng all the talk cock and 'Shooting' session covered our fatigue. Anyway, the whole session was being filmed down and will post to NDPeeps website i presume. Hope can see the video soon=) Anyway hope tomorrow will be a better session as we will be bringing camera and camera phone there=)
Last but not least, let's pray i can psycho them to make to go down NDP everyday. HAHA

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