Friday, December 4, 2009


The long aniticipated time had finally arrived. What is seems to be a joyous day and suppose-to-be-excited time. When the time is nearing, everybody will look forward to but when the day arrived, all the excitment seems to dissolved in the air. I thought it was only me who experienced it but I guess this is part and parcel for everyone. When we still in service, we yearn to get out of the hell, but now I'm out, I'm rather loss maybe because I'm can't bear to leave this place where I had work for 1 years 8 months and staying in between intervals. Gone are the times where we slack off even though we are busy, talking cock in the office, bad mouthing/bitching about others, drive around and slack some where, movies marathon during weekend. Guess such life will never be here again.

Apart from these, think I need to use some time to let myself adapt to my civilisation again. Even though I thought it doesn't affect me at all but somehow or what It definitely caused a difference in your life be it your thinking, your routine or your behaviour. Ok... no more EMO-ing

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