Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pay day = happy day! = sad day?

Well, payday is here already i supposed and i gotta a lot of things on my To Buy and To do List. And With these limited money i think i gotta splurt it soon.

1.Thermo blast
2.A duffle bag(maybe from Nike)
3.Thinking to get a gym membership

I think i had to forgo No.3 and pay for per entry ya. Why gym? Well, nearing ORD liao, i do not want to be a LCP for life! Target to pass my IPPT in 2 months! If failed at least sure must pass before ORD! I have make a promise to my sir liao. Kinda lost as i do not where to start. I'm a totally a new bird there. Gotta start next week! Oh yea, and glad to announce that i passed my 2.4km! Great achievement yea!

With 2 more stations to go, i mean 4 more pull ups and SBJ. I believe I'm able to pass it. And yea, gotta have my determination like few months back! I'm taking the current situation for granted!

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