Monday, August 17, 2009


Well... blogger is haywired again as usual, think since yesterday night as my sis wanna post some pics. Well... kinda lazy to update my blog again, lose the interest as my previous blog, but i'm glad this blog is certainly more alive than my previous. Anyway, yesterday was Army Half Marathon. Unlike last year, I've participated in the 21km, which is definitely a challange for me as the longest distance I ever ran was 6km? haha. A huge gap of 15km ya. And I did it! Something to be proud of ya. Managed to clock under 3hrs, din really noe the exact timing so i presume i still stand a chance for my 1 day off! Din regret to join it although i was " cheated " to join in. Think i will join again next year! So now i'm tinking to challange myself for the Standard Chartered Full Marathon. Quite a few numbers of my frens going...should i join? Anyway just a few pics taken in the morning when everyone still sleeping n dreaming on their bed...(OPPS, UPLOAD NOT AVAILABLE.)

Last but not least, Special thanks to this taxi driver who had given me lots of discount. haha. Total fare is 10.2 + 5.1(Midnite). And not only he din charge me for my midnite fare and charge me $10 instead. Thanks for saving my wallet =)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sayonnara to NDP'09

NDP'09 has officially come to an end. Yesterday the firing was very good result. Worth commendation on the hardwork that all the guys put in. Overall, the process was enjoyable and fruitful. However, something happened recently that make me damn du lan . It was previously promised a ticket or 2 for the preview/ actual. I thought the whole committee was not given any..until I have saw my relative's facebook picture. Immediately I comfirm my doubt with someone and things turned out to be they are hiding the truth from us! Super unhappy can and the FLYER tickets were pocketed by XXX(not to mention them here). We did so much for the NDP, from the preparation phase to even now... all the documentation and the stores and ration. It was not even regconised whereby suckers get a share of reward. WHAT WORLD IS IT? Quite regret that I volunteered again this year, although my main idea is to twang. Halfway through the journey, I realised the camp is a better place afterall, moreover I have changed my working environment and maybe my attitude toward work?
Oh Yea... gotta bear for 4months, 3 months to be exact. I WAN TO OOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pay day = happy day! = sad day?

Well, payday is here already i supposed and i gotta a lot of things on my To Buy and To do List. And With these limited money i think i gotta splurt it soon.

1.Thermo blast
2.A duffle bag(maybe from Nike)
3.Thinking to get a gym membership

I think i had to forgo No.3 and pay for per entry ya. Why gym? Well, nearing ORD liao, i do not want to be a LCP for life! Target to pass my IPPT in 2 months! If failed at least sure must pass before ORD! I have make a promise to my sir liao. Kinda lost as i do not where to start. I'm a totally a new bird there. Gotta start next week! Oh yea, and glad to announce that i passed my 2.4km! Great achievement yea!

With 2 more stations to go, i mean 4 more pull ups and SBJ. I believe I'm able to pass it. And yea, gotta have my determination like few months back! I'm taking the current situation for granted!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

"Dui"ty = Mati

Well,had not been updating my blog for the last week as i had duty in camp.Well... this duty team was not my original team as i had previously swopped with chee hao. Well... can say it's kinda boring duty as we practically have nothing to do.Gotta have 1 more duty on the 25th. Kinda dissapointed cos.... Hope this will be my last duty! Reality check: 4 months more to ORD!!! Can't wait for this day yeah! Hope they preserved my pinky well. haha