Monday, July 27, 2009

Blogger Got H1N1 too...

it's not my problem i guess, now using my sis's com and wanted to trial whether is my lappy's problem or not... and it is proven; my super duper chui lappy is working fine. Anyway still manage to type this post, just can't edit the fonts and the post options. Anyway, I was rotting at home these days again. Din want to go out as it's costly and hazardous for me as i will spend till my last cent. Another reason is yesterday got a day of headache... slept through the day and still got the pain there afetr every nap. Only manage to recover when i go downstair to buy the miracle pill "Panadol".

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Blog just contacted H1N1 too?

Just joking... is just that I just can't seems to access to this page to type my post. Got so much to blog actually but let's bygone be bygone, don't want to mention some stupid stuffs in camp. Anyway just back from NDP, nothing happening though, just jokes and craps here n there as well as some foodies from Old Airport Rd Hawker Center. Had Lao Fu Zi Fried Kway Tiao for lunch today. The aunties are so friendly can! Keep wanted to blanjar me and chikin drinks. Don't know why. Cause we wanted to buy and make our trip back to PCG fast, so we rejected it. So in the end she gave us $2 and ask we all to buy drinks. Lmao. Thanks for that anyway.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Blog Pics~

Did some editing to my photo and decided to use it for blog advertisement. Credits of this wonder photograph goes to none other than our dedicated cameraman, Vimal!

Phew...My Birthday almost gone

Like what's in the heading... I almost can say BYE to celebrate my Birthday on the actual day itself again. Last year, I was sent to class 4 driving course by my dear Sir, with the first day of course falling on my bday itself. That's the "best present" ever yea... And today, there's a new duty team out, and I'm in team c, with some guys... In the afternoon, to my horror, I'd saw the duty falls on 150909-220909, which is on my Birthday again! Luckily i manage to spot it, i don't want to miss my birthday again. Anyway, might be holding a buffet at home for my Bday, Mama suggest one... maybe a BBQ might be better? Gotta plan it =)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Screwed Haircut + Spring Cleanning

Had a screwed haircut again the the lao di fang where i frequent >.< color="#33ff33">enough... Anyway, managed to clean up my room today, it's looks better now. Manage to clear all rubbish that my parents dump into my room, treating it as a storeroom. Gotta continue next week, still got small amount of rubbish there... gotta be back to original form when my sis shift back to her own house...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Virgin Performance

Well... some how manage to get through the audition yesterday and today is the actual performance... the nervousness was lost because the irritation by the sound system is way too much! I'm upset....not because of not winning it but it's due to unable to perform well for my whole song. Almost half of the song was unheard due to the cock up... sigh... Anyway, it's nevertheless a very good experience for me as it's my first time doing such performance. And the temptation from the good there... like nonya laksa, prawn mee?(have?), mee siam, the roasted duck, the roasted pork belly, kebak, chicken falbta(dono how to spell) and most of all, the Sakae Sushi! Yum... Was very full and scared i might burp during the singing... luckily my fear is abundant.Now very tired while typing this post... morning ran 14km and did not manage to catch a nap at all... Cya

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Audition ain't good thing....

Tomorrow will be the audition already! Sounds so scary... don't really have much confidence as I heard there will be a total teams of 18 participating! 10am tomorrow!!! May God bless me!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dun Yong to Justin

Lmao..all these off pics. Hiding inside my wallet for many years already. Think should share with everyone here as many who have seen it say such a great impact on myself.

About the pics...

Pic 1: Taken when I was in Sec 1. The super chubby and toot me. I was laughing at it whenever I see it. I gave the hair a name call "Macdonald's Hairstyle"

Pic 2: I think this Pic is After i lost weight me. Been exercising with sis during holiday period and shed a few kgs. And can see I've grown up a bit as compared to first pic. The more guai look of me.

Pic 3: The slimmest time of me. I think is during sec 4 or post 'O' lvl time. Most handsome one also. haha.

Pic 4: Omg! Work are making me fat! Popcorns, nachos, cheesy hotdogs and drinks everyday.

Pic 5 : The fattest time of me. See I've Ballooned to 93.5kg! incredible eh. And got this highlight for the first time. Super beng and ugly. So i coloured it black very soon. Waste money.

And Lastly! This is the most recent me! Standing at 77kg! A weight lost of 16kg! proud eh?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pay Day Yippee!

Yesterday the pay was out after a long long anticipation. It's been a hard time to survive without money. Anyway, since pay was out and my ipod shuffle is officially DEAD after 3yrs?(charing problem). So i got myself with this mp3 player make by singapore company. It's none other than The Kube. This unique desgin of the ipod stands out from the rest( in a cube form), light , small and easy to carry around and most of all, it's CHEAP!!! It cost marely $34.90 for a 2gb size. U can't find anything so cheap elsewhere i guess. The Kube is so in popular demand that most 7-11 stores has sold out, leaving me disappointed. So i tried my luck just now at the 7-11 store behind my house, thinking it's an ULU place so it will not sell out so fast. And it never failed me, so i managed to get myself a last white one(wanted to buy black originally). Nevermind, better than nothing, white is always better than the pink one. haha.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bye to my stamina

After 1 whole week of eating KFC n Pizza and forgoing my time for jogging.. I've losing my stamina. Just 5km today and I'm too shag to run already and worst almost lose to CPT Lim haha. Is it my complacent or NDP is an excuse? Need to go for run tml onwards already! Friday is 14km le!!!!(i suppose)
Lastly, Yes! I've make up my decision already! You and Me will be my best choice for CSS- You got Talent. Let's pray that we can make it. Gotta spare time for pratice oledi!!!!
1 last last cam's microphone is DEAD!!!! RIP MAN!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

CCS You Got Talent

CSS? Of course not campus superstar haha. It's a talent time competition by combat service support. Today receive an email that it's open to us for audition... of course i wished to join... but then thinking is plain thinking. Vincent then approached me to join it together with him, i'll be the vocalist and he's the guitarist. A bit in dilemma as English songs are not my forte... So now scratching my head for the limited songs that he knows how to in the end i think it's either I'm Yours or You and Me... must remember the lyrics and tune now...Should I join?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Combine Rehearsal 3(Family Day)

Yes...Once again I'm sitting infront of the stage as a spectator after many Many YEARS! I can say this year's performance is definitely a THUMBS UP! as compared to the previous years. The credits goes to the performance and most of all, our fireworks where we have been sweating under the hot sun to prepare it. Although yesterday performance wasn't a full scale one, but the hosts definitely added fun n laughters which cover off every short falls. Not going to be a spoiler for those who have not seen the performance but there are a number of things to look out for!

1. Our magnificient lion dance can be very KAWAII! Dun get cheat by his appearance.
2. The stage itself has it own speciality! look out for the screens!(with on n on visual effects by the fireworks)
3. Element of surprise! the grids at the stage. Watch out for what's inside throught the evening n night!)
4. Sea! Yes catch the live police and theif as well as the presidential salute which are brought to us for the first time!
5. More interactions with audience! The snipers are going through the crowds.
6. MOST IMPORTANTLY, the new design of fireworks! If you have not seen it, you can see it every Sat from now! Firing will starts approx 830pm!

Despite the cost savings this year,the 90% cancellation of fly past and the reduction in the singing by the choir, the quality of the show is still improving. Three cheers to the 24 committee of the whole show! especially we the fireworks committee. HAHA

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Saikang!!! I'm burnt! After prolonged hours under the hot scorching sun in the middle of the sea, er hem, i mean reserviour, where all the prominent concrete jungle surround us. These have been continuing for 2 days and tomorrow will be another one. Anyway morning V-com-ed Azfar to PCG for the NDP, he dilly dallied to the camp... den set off... i was still quite worry that we will be late as we sure will catch in the jam. Reached kallang stadium at around 0745 and Azfar receive a call from his camp... quite a few off things happen. LMAO!(TOP SECRET) Anyway han't been exercising these days, feel so tired nowadays...And yay, got back the camera handphone, can take pics again.^^