Common test is over and today it's the first day of HOLIDAY! I did my best for my test but I guess I gonna flunk it... well... this sem's GPA gonna drop I guess. Any, I'm so gonna start my jogging again, but I have no determination argh!!! Hope I will start on Friday. Tomorrow got a class BBQ, so no point of running today and feast tml. Lastly, I did a logo for NDP2011 as I saw it was a closing date today, so no harm trying it since I'm free

Logo Description : Singapore consist mainly of four races; Chinese, Malays, Indians and Eurasians. Despite the difference in races, during national day, it will bring all of them together to the parade. Hence, my logo, who shows the for human figure represent the four races. All of them are bring together to the big human figure which represent Singapore. The human figure is designed purpose to look like the stars, which are on our Singapore flag.